It may seem obvious to you but many other people do not want to take the time to figure out that really clever file you just made. Yup, turn your files into templates for others. This might be website...
Business Idea: Herb and Vegetable Farming
Have a green thumb? You can grow green by selling your specialty herb and vegetables. This is very popular in urban areas of the country. Some items could be shipped but be sure to check with state...
Business Idea: Internet Security Consulting
I’m not talking about big war rooms with supercomputers breaking firewalls and gigabit encryption. Let’s focus on the average small business that needs to make sure they have the latest updates...
Business Idea: Green Consulting
Turn your love of the environment into a revenue source. Very few businesses advocate cutting down the last Lorax tree but they just need a little help learning how to be better for the environment. ...
Business Idea: Research as a Service
Google is great for quick and popular tasks of online information. Many businesses have teams that research industry and strategic interest. Small businesses lack the budgets to fund large research...
Business Idea: Build Websites
Really? Websites? With so many free and cheap engines to quickly create beautiful websites, it would seem this market would have died with your iPhone 4. Surprisingly there is still a big need for...
Business Idea: Cleanup and Junk Removal
It seems like a simple and low-value task to haul away a bunch of junk but anyone that has tried it knows just how difficult it really is. Most of the time the task of having the pile removed can be...
Business Idea: Sell Craft Items Online
Creative type? Maybe there is a product you enjoy making and have a small following of raving fans. Place your offering online to sites like Etsy, eBay, and possibly even Amazon. It could be anything...
Business Idea: Be a Tutor
If you have a specific specialized skill and passion it can be rewarding to share it with others, plus get paid to do so. Think broadly here as there could be a niche market you can serve for a specific...
Business Idea: Start a Childcare Business
Childcare is a considerable expense for many households and a flexible way for a stay at home parent to earn additional income. Working parents are in high demand for high quality and affordable childcare...